电影《我的公园好友》(Running away from a bar without paying the bill is just the first adventure for Liz and R电影《我的公园好友》(Running away from a bar without paying the bill is just the first adventure for Liz and Rosa. This budding friendship between nursing mothers starts with the promise of liberation but soon ends up being a dangerous business.)是一部让人深思的剧情片,于2015年上映,发行地区为阿根廷和乌拉圭,对白语言为西班牙语。这部电影展现了一段不寻常的母亲友情,充满了剧情张力故事围绕着Liz和Rosa展开,两位新生儿的母亲。她们之间的友情始于一次不付账离开酒吧的冒险,但这只是她们关系中的第一个冒险。起初,她们的友情充满了解脱的希望,但很快却陷入了危险的漩涡。